Sunday 13 May 2012

Test Event - Day Three Saturday

This was the best day despite being another wet and rainy day! The journey to Stratford Station was easy, less commuters on Saturdays, but no free papers to read on the journey - but as I was getting quite good at swaying with the train I caught up with some unanswered texts.  Despite the weather the atmosphere was really quite jolly and we joined the queue for the daily security scan - frisk five completed we made our way to the staff shuttle and I managed an imaginary two finger salute to the job's worth on buggy duty. 

Things had been sorted!!! The jobs-worth of yesterday waved us through the barrier and even pointed out the only working lift - things were definitely on the up - we only had to wait five minutes for the shuttle and the lift worked first time .........but the shuttle takes roundabout and tortutous route around the park so I actually arrived to check-in 15mins late - the earliest I had been so far! 

The rotas were passed around, as was the order of play - I was on Centre Court and due to call the stats for Men's Quad Final, plus we were a four person team which would make the job a lot easier.  Our two hour shift began at 11am as did the Final, first set went to the Swedish player Anders Hard and then rain stopped play just as my first shift finished.  Off to lunch only to find that there were no veggie lunches left, it look so appetising that all the meat eaters had gone for the veggie option which sounded far tastier than cold chicken salad, so all I got was a very soggy pesto, mozzarella and tomato sandwich and a hard banana - yuk, but slimming!

Rain stopped just as my second shift began so I actually got to call the stats for the whole match - which was fantastic especially as Peter Norfolk (GB) won in three sets!  There had been a third match schedule for Centre Court, but because of the weather it had been played on Court One, so my day was done.  The ordered Shuttle bus took us back to Stratford Gate and the tube.  If only all the other days had been as good - now if only the weather would improve Sunday might be the icing on the cake.........

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